• un-existing body: Stefano Ciannella and Keaton Fox @ Rialto

    un-existing body: Stefano Ciannella and Keaton Fox @ Rialto

    by • on Oct 25, 14 • in comunicazione • with Comments Off on un-existing body: Stefano Ciannella and Keaton Fox @ Rialto

    Body is the first inhabited place, it is the beginning of experimentation and knowledge, it is the proof for our own existence and our own being; it is also the first known and perceived limit. Hence, it is the first space hosting the interaction and clash in the research and self-assertion of identity. In Stefano Ciannella and Keaton Fox’s works, physical presence is sublimated by non-presences, which at the same time mark its transit. Both works, by employing different perspectives, investigate inner intimate universes, as past transitions, through the absence of body. The misplacement of

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  • Sam3 – Monumental @ Wunderkammern

    Sam3 – Monumental @ Wunderkammern

    by • on Sep 29, 14 • in comunicazione • with Comments Off on Sam3 – Monumental @ Wunderkammern

    Wunderkammern is delighted to present Monumental, the first solo show in Italy by acclaimed Spanish artist Sam3.   Sam3 (Elche, Spain, 1980) lives and works between Murcia and Madrid. The publication Arte Español Contemporaneo 1992 – 2013 (La Fábrica, 2013) includes him among the most important Spanish contemporary artists. His public interventions with large black anthropomorphic silhouettes are visible all over the world. Sam3’s “shadows”, as he calls them, reflect on the human condition: between refined poetry on one side and sharp irony on the other, these figures imply alternative meanings and often very provocative and

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  • Art Parks. A Tour of America’s Sculpture Parks and Gardens.

    Art Parks. A Tour of America’s Sculpture Parks and Gardens.

    by • on Sep 23, 14 • in 2014, archivio, blog • with Comments Off on Art Parks. A Tour of America’s Sculpture Parks and Gardens.

    Since a few decades, we are witnessing the birth of several sculpture parks or sculpture gardens all over the world and especially in the USA. These amazing open-air contemporary art museums give credit not only to the old European legacy of gardens in Renaissance villas (these were, indeed, parks with contemporary sculptures!), but especially to the more recent example of Land Art and its site-specific works, which often modified the geography of the location selected by artists. The reason why this phenomenon can be considered typical in the US goes back to the enormous natural areas

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    by • on Sep 15, 14 • in comunicazione • with Comments Off on I love my WORK – INTERNATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST 2014

    Art says the inexpressible, gives voice to everything that can’t speak, because goes beyond, because Art doesn’t let it catch by the narrow rules of word, grammar, syntax and lexicon, that distort and reform, to adapt to another prebuilt shape. – Ivan Sirtori – THE CONTEST SNFIA Art, a branch of SNFIA the Middle-Management National Insurance Company trade union, promotes the photographic contest I love my work. The purpose of this initiative, is to underline the role that the labour has engaged and takes up inside people life. SNFIA, is the trade union that represents and

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  • Jef Aérosol – Anony(fa)mous @ Wunderkammern

    Jef Aérosol – Anony(fa)mous @ Wunderkammern

    by • on May 25, 14 • in comunicazione • with Comments Off on Jef Aérosol – Anony(fa)mous @ Wunderkammern

    Wunderkammern presents Anony(fa)mous, the first Italian solo show by celebrated French artist Jef Aérosol. Jean-François Perroy, better known by his pseudonym Jef Aérosol (1957, Nantes), is an uncontested pioneer of international street art. Without discrimination, he creates portraits of public figures and notorious personas, of anonymous characters, street artists, passersby, beggars, and children alike: all are preferably depicted in black and white, and characterized by an enigmatic red arrow, the artist’s renown signature and “brand”. Actors in the contemporary visual panorama, Jef’s protagonists seem, ultimately, to all look alike, as if both the consequence and

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